Meet Epiq - the best ultrasound system on the market!
Equipped with the most powerful computer architecture ever used in ultrasonic systems, this top-notch system has set new standards in acoustic acquisition and processing, giving you the best picture on the market. Using xMatrix technology and accompanying probes as well as the new "Anatomical Intelligence" system, this platform offers you much more than you can imagine.
The Epiq 7 ultrasound system provides you with exceptional diagnostic safety, even in the most demanding patients. Using the revolutionary nSight architecture and a completely new approach to creating an ultrasound image, this device will delight you in every way. Philips nSIGHT architecture uses a brand new technology to form an ultrasound image with top-level pixel resolution. The Philips nSIGHT image display uses a new precision "beamformer" along with massive parallel image processing. This state-of-the-art technology creates, collects and processes a huge amount of acoustic data in real time, then reconstructs them, resulting in the creation of the best picture you can imagine. This exceptional technology ensures uniformity of ultrasound display across the entire range without compromise with conventional ultrasound image generation. Using nSIGHT technology through the use of an ultra-wide dynamic range, you are now able to visualize an unbelievable level of detail with excellent penetration at higher frequencies, even in technically demanding patients. Clinical studies have found improvement in penetration by as much as 76%, as well as an improvement in temporal resolution by an incredible 213% with the same acquisition speed (compared to the "high end" Philips iU22 ultrasound system).
xMatrix is a new, incredible probe technology
No other ultrasound system in the world can boast of a complete portfolio of the world's most innovative ultrasound probes. By pressing only one button, xMatrix offers all the ways to work with just one ultrasonic probe: 2D, 3D / 4D, Live xPlane, Live MPR, MPR, Doppler, Color Doppler and Color Power Angio.